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Protection Favors the Prepared!
This course is designed to teach the student how to adopt a lifestyle of personal safety habits that professionals rely on daily for their personal and family's safety!
Learn how to develop Intelligent situational awareness and build a mindset that is prepared with actionable steps to take during active shooter or human created violent events!
What You Will Learn:
Missouri Laws on Self Defense & Defense of Others (when you can use physical force and how much)
"Castle Doctrine" and understanding it's limitations.
Legal Defense & Liability Concerns. How to reduce liability before the fight, and how to cooperate with Police.
Response Options for "Car Jacking" situations.
Encountering Drugged Out or Intoxicated Individuals
How to respond to road rage incidents
Response Options & Considerations for Encountering Protesters and Riot Areas.
Fundamental Concepts of Home Security & Building a Reliable Safety Plan Against Burglaries.
Identify Specific Items to Carry with You in Your Vehicle and On Your Person Daily to help you survive!
Identify Social Media & Digital Safety Traps Criminals Use to steal your money, identity, and harm your children.
Traveling Safety Tips for hotels, Air BNB, VRBO etc.
This course is great for men and women, ages 18 and up.
"The body can't go where the mind hasn't been"
This course is taught by our lead Instructor who has 17 years of experience in Law Enforcement and has provided Executive Protection for families and executive employees across 3 countries and has trained over 14,000 students on concepts of self-defense, security, and response to violence. This class will be extremely informative as well as a great time with a lot of laughs!
Date: January 24th 5:30 PM - 9:30PM
Course Length: 4 Hours
Cost: $75.00 individual or $100 for married couples (Dinner Provided)
Location: SFI Training Center Republic Missouri
Limited to first 25 students!
"A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences"
"Hoping" it doesn't happen to you is NOT a strategy that protects you.
In other words, at Shield Force we understand that training is ALL that matters, until you have experience. But experience is something you gain shortly after you needed it! So let us help provide you with the training and knowledge required to keep you safe!
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