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Church Security Ministry

We believe training, and guarding our flock is morally, ethically, and biblically our responsibility. We understand there is a lot more that goes into Church security ministry than just people carrying guns. We have developed an 8-hour training program that will help equip church staff and security members with the knowledge, skills and ability to respond appropriately to everything from Band-Aids to Bullets. 
This program is perfect for churches of all sizes. Any volunteer, staff, Pastor, Deacon, Elder, Teacher, and Security members should attend. 

Shield Force International specializes in understanding what works in the Church environment to reduce Disturbances, Injuries, Law Suits, Loss of Property, and Loss of life. Churches must adequately prepare by having written documentation in place in addition to receiving professional training that is “Adequate to the Task”. We help simplify that process by providing the most current information and training that meets the standard of contemporary care without jeopardizing the core mission of the church!


“In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds” Psalm 45:4

Topics of Instruction:
  • Active Shooter or Intruder Response
  • Offering Collection safety procedures
  • Armed vs unarmed teams
  • Nursery and Children Security
  • Protecting the pastor
  • Roles of Ushers and Greeters
  • How to choose volunteers
  • Medical response
  • Verbal Conflict and de-escalation
  • Biblical Authority for Church security
  • Survival Mindset
  • Protestors
  • Physical Security
  • Policies and Liability Concerns
  • Training standards
  • Hair raising topics 
  • Case studies of recent violence at churches.
  • Verbal Conflict and de-escalation
  • Biblical Authority for Church security
Upcoming Seminars:
Date:  May 20th
Location: SFI Training Center Republic, Missouri (Also Available WEBINAR)
Time: 8:00AM-12:00PM
COST: $50.00 Each while seats lasts.

© 2016 by Shield Force International, LLC

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