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Verbal De-Escalation & Conflict Resolution
This class provides training and awareness in the area of Verbal De-Escalation & Conflict Resolution strategies.
Training will provide a robust and reputable 8 step communication model for participants to apply in the role play scenarios. This course WILL help the student better respond to situations that arise with a person who is angry, emotional, depressed, or has mental health issues & experiencing a crisis.
Step by step instructions to de-escalate the most common problems that arise in today’s church environment.
Understanding human behaviors, triggers, and needs.
Steps for building rapport which leads to influencing or changing behavior.
Personal Safety Training & Awareness Principals
Course Length: 4 Hours
Cost: $75.00
Next Class: April 2nd 6:00-9:00PM
Location: Shield Force Training Center
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"
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